
Welcome to the birding paradise of Uganda, the Pearl of Africa! With its diverse ecosystems, Uganda offers a unique and rich avian experience for birdwatchers of all levels. From lush forests to expansive wetlands, this captivating country is a haven for birding enthusiasts. Let’s delve into some fascinating facts and essential tips for your ultimate birding adventure!

▪    Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: Home to the endangered mountain gorillas, this park also shelters numerous Albertine Rift endemics.

▪   Queen Elizabeth National Park: An incredible variety of birds can be spotted here, including the African Fish Eagle and the elusive African Skimmer.

▪    Murchison Falls National Park: Alongside magnificent waterfalls and abundant wildlife, this park is a birding paradise, hosting the rare Shoebill stork and many more species.

▪    Kibale National Park: Famous for its primates, this park also offers a chance to spot various colourful forest birds.

▪   Semuliki National Park: Explore the lowland tropical rainforest and observe captivating species like the White-bellied Kingfisher.

▪    Local Guides: Hire experienced local birding guides to enhance your chances of spotting rare species and gaining valuable insights into the birdlife.

▪    Binoculars and Cameras: Pack high-quality binoculars and a reliable camera to capture those memorable birdwatching moments.

▪    Accommodation: Book accommodations in advance, especially in popular birding destinations, to secure your stay.

▪   Dress Appropriately: Wear muted, earth-toned clothing to blend in with nature and avoid startling the birds.

▪   Respect Wildlife: Maintain a safe distance from the birds and refrain from disturbing their natural behavior.

▪   Sturdy and comfortable walking shoes.

▪   Lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for both warm and cooler weather.

▪   Insect repellent and sunscreen.

▪   Field guidebook or birding app for quick species identification.

A valid passport and tourist visa are typically required for international visitors to Uganda. Ensure your vaccinations are up-to-date, and consider getting vaccinations for yellow fever and other recommended travel vaccinations.


The dry seasons from December to February and June to September are generally the best times for birding in Uganda. During these months, birdwatchers can enjoy clear skies, minimal rainfall, and better chances of spotting migratory species.

Unleash your inner birding enthusiast and embark on an unforgettable journey through Uganda’s diverse landscapes. Prepare yourself for an adventure filled with the sights and sounds of magnificent avian species that call this African gem their home.

Fun Facts

▪   Uganda boasts over 1,000 bird species, making it one of the most bird-diverse countries in Africa.

▪   The rare and elusive Shoebill stork, a prehistoric-looking bird, can be found in the swamps and wetlands of Uganda.

▪    The Great Blue Turaco, with its striking blue plumage and unique vocalizations, is a delightful sight for birdwatchers.

▪    The Murchison Falls National Park offers excellent birding opportunities while enjoying the iconic wildlife and stunning waterfalls.

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